Patty test blog post
Big announcement: New platform for prayer updates!
Hello Prayer Team! From now on all prayer updates will be posted at You can make an account to view them now and start getting them emailed to you, or you can email me at [email protected] to just start receiving the updates in your inbox. Thanks for your continued partnership in prayer! God bless, …
Big announcement: New platform for prayer updates! Read More »
Entering a Season of Travel
Dear prayer team, Thank you so much for your prayers! So much has happened. I can’t believe it’s been a month already, and I wish I could have updated you sooner. Praise God! I was able to get my Peruvian residency renewed without any issues. The workshop I gave in Huánuco went really well. Eight …
Planning my first workshop, amidst computer woes
Dear prayer team, Thank you so much for your prayers! Praise: I was able to get a newsletter out! Not quite by when I had hoped, but it’s done nonetheless. I am glad that I had it done and scheduled to send just before my hard-drive failure (see below). Several people from three different local …
Planning my first workshop, amidst computer woes Read More »
Three Bible Dedications Later
Dear prayer team, Thank you so much for your prayers! A cluster translation project involving several neighboring languages has completed, resulting a spurt of Bible dedications! It’s been an intense month of traveling, late nights, and big celebrations. My role was to lead up the distribution of digital Scripture media. Praise: For the thousands of …
Answered Prayers
Dear prayer team, Thanks for your prayers! I asked you to pray for productive language and culture learning and warm and restful nights free of allergy symptoms while in the village. That very same night after posting the last update, I started sleeping much better. I also felt towards the end of the two weeks …
Back in the village, at last
Dear prayer team, Thanks so much for your prayers! I’m in Tipsa these weeks but bolted down to the city to run some errands today. Please join me in praising God: I recently returned from the jungle city of Pucallpa, where I helped give a workshop about language shift to 16 indigenous students, among which …
Is it urgent, or is it important?
Dear Prayer Team, Happy June! Can you believe we’re in the sixth month already? It feels like New Years Day was just a few weeks ago. Looking Back: I came back from my visit with colleagues on Monday. I’m grateful for the chance I had to connect with some good friends and mentors, and participate …
Travels Tomorrow and Beyond
Dear Prayer Team, Thank you for your prayers! Praises: For new work experiences in the village, and for an idea for a potential language tutor there. For good community Prayer points: (Same as in the last post, as they are still relevant) For a visit to a neighboring city to spend time with some colleagues. …
Stress Down, Travels Ahead
Dear Prayer Team, Thank you so much for your prayers! In the last many weeks my stress levels have gone down significantly. I’ve learned some new approaches to problems and stressors that are going to help me long-term, and I know that your prayers have played a big part in that. This past month has …