Hello friends and family,
As of now, I haven’t heard back from the professor about the paper extension I requested, but am praying for the best. Praise report: I continue to find Scripture passages that are helping me to formulate my assessment of Liberation Theology, and the way that God calls His people to respond when facing oppression.
Today at 10:20 AM PST I have the opportunity to see a physical therapist about the occasional pain that I have had in my hands and wrists since January, as a result of much computer use. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to go to a practice that is so affordable. Please pray that the physical therapist and I would be able to figure out the best exercises, treatments, and desk setup so that I may be able to do pain-free Bible translation work on the computer in the many years to come.
My aim this week is to finish some Principles of Translation assignments early, so that I can focus on my third Believer’s Church Theology paper which is due on Saturday. Please pray for focus and productivity.
I think it was two weeks ago that I shared I was experiencing spiritual warfare and asked for prayers in that regard. I shared that I was doing better last week, and now I want to let you know that I currently don’t feel that oppression any more. I know that all of our prayers are a part of that- I thank God and I thank all of you for that freedom.
Thank you again, and God bless you.