Dear prayer team,
Thank you so much for your prayers! A cluster translation project involving several neighboring languages has completed, resulting a spurt of Bible dedications! It’s been an intense month of traveling, late nights, and big celebrations. My role was to lead up the distribution of digital Scripture media.
- For the thousands of people who came to the Bible dedications, and for how they were impacted by God’s Word and the story of the translation projects.
- For the people who are now regularly encountering God’s Word through Scripture apps, audio, and video on their phones
- I was able to complete 59 handwritten thank-you notes and get them sent off to the States and Canada! Even though it took several days and a few hand cramps, it was a small sacrifice compared to the sacrifice that all of you make on a regular basis for me. These cards (many admittedly overdue!) should be arriving to their destinations about now. If you’ve made a donation since I moved to Peru, you should be getting a card. If it doesn’t come by September 8th (or September 15th for Canada), please let me know! Thank you for your your partnership.
- For God’s provision of a car and a place to live while in the States
- That people would continue to share and pass along the digital Scripture resources, as they are impacted and transformed by them
- I just started dating a wonderful woman of God who is already working with the Quechua here in Huánuco. Her name is Patricia. Please pray for us as we seek to know each other and God’s will at a deeper level.
- Continued grace and peace in the face of stressors and delays
- That I would be able to get out my next newsletter by Thursday afternoon!
Thanks so much prayer team. You mean the world to me. It’s going to be great to see so many of you in the coming months.
God bless,