Dear prayer team,
Thank you so much for your prayers!
I’m excited to share that I now have a visa, allowing me to continue my work here! This has been a long process requiring three cross-country trips, so it’s a relief to finally have it taken care of.
In last week’s update I mentioned fighting a cold. I’m grateful to report that, not only have I fully recovered, but I was also able to spend six whole days in the village! (My longest visit yet.) That time was very helpful and learning some Quechua and relating with the people there.
Please pray for me and my colleagues across all of Spanish-speaking South America, as we travel to Lima this weekend for 2 ½ weeks of meetings and restful team building. Please pray for traveling mercies for those traversing windy mountainous roads, and for effective planning and good rest during the event.
I know that I have recently been struggling with some stress myself.
I’m working on my next newsletter- it’ll hopefully be out later this week.
Thanks again for your prayers!
P.S. For those of you praying for my mother’s recovery from her surgery, she recently had her last follow-up appointment and is pretty much fully recovered! Thank you for being a part of her recovery process.
Praying for you today. May there be healing where needed and blessings abounding. Glad to hear you have been feeling better, God is good !!